Sunday 27 April 2014

Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Q2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Q3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Q4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q5 How did you attract/ address your audience?

Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Question 7 - Media Evaluation

Our preliminary was to film a short conversation with 2 people, whilst including match-on-action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Final Product:
cup throw 2.jpgcup throw.jpg

Preliminary Task:
Screen shot 2014-04-08 at 14.14.05.pngScreen shot 2013-11-11 at 12.23.04.png

Looking back at this, we have used the same techniques in the opening scene of our film. We used match-on-action during the editing stages of the production. I think match-on-action was one of the most important things to into place as, without that, the film would not flow well and would look unnatural. It also helps with the continuity of the film, as if the audience see something happen in one shot, they then need to see it carrying on in the next one.

Preliminary Task:                                                      
Screen shot 2014-04-08 at 14.08.32.png

Final Product:
Screen shot 2014-04-08 at 14.09.09.png

The 180-degree rule also adds to the realisticness of the film as it would seem odd to see what would have normally been behind the camera, so we thought this was also an important rule to put into action.

 Final Product:
shot reverse shot.jpgUntitled drawing (1).jpg
Preliminary Task:                                                      
Screen shot 2014-04-08 at 14.19.17.pngScreen shot 2013-11-11 at 12.26.40.png

We have also used the shot/reverse shot for the majority of the conversations in our opening scene.This is a good way to keep the film flowing and make it more interesting to watch.

I think i have improved on all of the techniques that we have used. I got a lot better at editing the shots so that they would look more continuous and natural. We got used to sticking to the 180-degree rule, and also got better at doing different kinds of shots and how to execute them better. Our time consumption also reduced as we progressed throughout the filming.
I think we also got better at editing the sound of the shot/reverse shot conversations, as we didn't want the sound and the shot to change at the same time, we made sure some of points did not change at the same time, which gave it better continuity.

Monday 31 March 2014

Final Product Questionnaire & results

Final Product Questionnaire

Successes and Failures

Successes and Failures
All in all I was very happy with the film we produced. For example:
The hospital scene looks very real.
The screech sound effect and the zooming
of the car really looks like it is speeding towards
the camera
The ambient sound we used throughout our
opening creates a very eerie and tense atmosphere.

However, there are some things about our film I would change. Such As:
I believe we could get away with more gorier
makeup than what we used to make Penelope look
more like she has just been run over.

The lighting in the torture chamber looks slightly different in Penelope's scenes and Carlisle's. This is because they had to be filmed at
different times.
The whole process of creating our film ran pretty smoothly, however we did have on problem when one of our actresses changed the colour of her hair. As a result we had to re-film some of our footage in the hospital. Despite this, we do not break any rules of continuity editing, such as match on action.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Film company Logo


 Our Film company Logo

We've made our Company logo to look to have the generic conventions of horror, to show that our company would specialize in horror films.
The letters "HCD" just simply stand for the initials of our names, as that's what we decided to be named.

We got our ideas from logo's like "Film Insomnia", as it looked like a basic design, but got the point across about what sort of films are produced by them.

We also liked the idea of this logo by "Red Letter Studios" which has a sinister/scary effect to it, but is still quite a simple design, yet you can also see that they would most likely produce horror/ thriller films.

Monday 3 March 2014

Whole Film Treatment


Title of Film: 

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Mainly female
Those who enjoy horror films based around real life, (such as Paranormal Activity and Insidious).
Those who enjoy films which messes with their mind.

This is because the characters in our film are around this age and therefore the audience can relate to their lives, for example, attending parties and arguing with friends. This link between the audiences lives and those of the characters means the film becomes more realistic and so the horror part of it is more scary for them to watch.

Our film could be distributed by an independent film company, such as Maxim Films or Brain Damage Films, as these two companies focus on producing low budget horror films.
However, mainstream companies, like Momentum Pictures, have produced films in the same genre with similar story lines. One example is Insidious, which was a very popular horror film when it was released.


Teenage girl is hit by a car on the way back from a party where she has just had an argument with a group of friends and due the impact and drugs, she is sent into a coma where she dreams and hallucinates about the same man who run her over and he is trying to torture her. In each dream she is helped escape by a friend she has argued with, making up with them in the process.

A teenage girl is at a party, arguing with her friends. She storms out in rage and starts to make her way home, when she is hit by a car. An ambulance arrives and the last thing she sees before blacking out is the friends from the party she was upset with.

The girl experiences dreams whilst unconscious where she is tormented by the man who run her over. In order to get away from him she must work with her friends to escape. In each dream she is in a different place that is significant to the relationship between the two characters where she manages to settle the differences between them.

The teenager wakes from her coma in a hospital to find all her friends sat by the side of her bed. She begins to tell them of the dreams she experienced and how they were all in it. In the end, they makeup.

What makes our film different is the fact that it involves two worlds - real world and coma. As a result, the fact that comas do exist in real life, makes the film more realistic and therefore, scarier to the audience.
The settings we included in our film are also different to other horror films. For example, the fact that she is tortured in a garage, rather than an unrealistic setting makes the film individual and more scary. Another example of an individual setting is the authentic hospital room we filmed in, again, making the film more realistic.
What also makes our film individual is the fact that it is aimed at a mainly female audience, where as horror films are mainly associated with males, who watch them to prove their 'macho image'. Usually, girls are too scared to watch horror films and so out film is potentially risky to aim it at teenage females.
All in all, the main difference between our film and other horror movies is the physiological aspect of our storyline, which will leave the audience not knowing the difference between what is real and what is imaginary. 

2 Minutes Treatment


Title of Film: 

Duration: 2 Minutes

Mainly female
Those who enjoy horror films based around real life, (such as Paranormal Activity and Insidious).
Those who enjoy films which messes with their mind.

This is because the characters in our film are around this age and therefore the audience can relate to their lives, for example, attending parties and arguing with friends. This link between the audiences lives and those of the characters means the film becomes more realistic and so the horror part of it is more scary for them to watch.

Our film could be distributed by an independent film company, such as Maxim Films or Brain Damage Films, as these two companies focus on producing low budget horror films.
However, mainstream companies, like Momentum Pictures, have produced films in the same genre with similar story lines. One example is Insidious, which was a very popular horror film when it was released.

Storyline: The first two minutes we will film will contain the following action:

Firstly, there is a scene of the girl walking home from the party, still annoyed and distracted from the argument. A screech is heard and the audience sees her reaction before the screen goes black.
The action flashes back to the start of the argument. The tension gradually builds up between the group of girls until someone reaches the end of their tether and screams at her as she walks out of the party.
The sound of their argument is asynchronous as the girls scream in the last scene is replaced by the screech and crash of the car as it transitions into the next scene. All sound stops and the screen goes to black.
A siren can be heard as all the friends crowd around her body on the floor in a point of view shot, shouting her name. The shot cuts out and back in as if she is blinking until it totally cuts out as if she is unconscious, but the shouting of her name continuos .
The girl wakes up strapped to a chair in a dark room. She tries to pull against the restraints as she can still hear people shouting her name. The volume increases as footsteps begin to be heard. The girls thinks it is her friends coming to find her but instead a creepy looking man comes in the door holding a needle to torture her with.
As he goes to inject the shot cuts to her in the hospital, as it matches on action of the needle as a nurse just pulls away from taking some blood. As the shot pans out, all her friends are crowded around their friend who is still unconscious.
The doctor walks through the door and he is the same man as in her dream and asks her friends to leave whilst he does some checks. He draws the blind so they cannot see in and the darkness matches on action to the next scene.
The girl begins to scream due to what he injected into her and the mans facial expression is shown as the action matches back to the hospital where her body begins to shake and machines beep causing all her friends to panic.

Within the first 2 minutes, the main individual themes are introduced tot he audience, such as the inclusion of a real world and coma. This is the main reason our film is different, as it emphasises the reality of our storyline in comparison to other horror films.
Also within the opening scenes, we included an authentic hospital and torture in an everyday setting. This individuality in our film,  makes it even more realistic to the audience.
The fact that our film is aimed at women makes our film different, as it is often assumed that the horror genre is mainly for males, as women are 'too scared'. This is shown in the audience by the introduction of the 3 main, female characters.
Taking editing into consideration, the fast rhythm of the scene when the car accident happens will also make our film stand out from the rest, as car accidents are something that should be feared and can lead to comas, where as ghost that are included in normal horror films are not centered around real life events. 

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Our Make-Up

Our Make-Up

Hospital Scene
Due to the fact the hospital scene is at least a day after the car accident, the wounds do not need to look as gruesome.

We did this with eyeshadows, face paints and red liquid make up, like the tutorials said to use.

Horror Make-Up Tutorials

Make-Up Tutorials

When our main character has been run over, we need to make her look injured, therefore, we researched gory make-up tutorials.

This tutorial shows us how to make skin look bruised, therefore, we could give our character a black eye, for example.

This tutorial gave us an idea how to make someone look like they have been cut and we will use this to make it more realistic that she has been run over.

Character Research - Horror Genre

Character Research – Horror Genre

Young Female Victim

Usually in their late teens/early 20’s, young female characters are used in films as they appear more naïve and innocent in the film. This creates juxtaposition between the main character and the villain in the film.  A lot of the time the characters are young, attractive and blonde to attract a wider male audience. They are often portrayed to be stupid and annoying, almost making the audience anticipate their death.

The Non-Believer

Usually a male character, they are portrayed as being ‘cocky’ and at ease. They often convince the other characters that they are over-reacting and that there is nothing happening. This character is usually one of the first to get killed, they are over-confident and their killing will usually trigger a mass amount of other character deaths. The death of this character usually gives the audience a sense of insecurity as they will try to listen to the characters reasoning, only to see them killed by the villain.


Often a Male Character of a strong, masculine build. Although portrayed as the ‘hero’, there are often not many horror films where good defeats evil. In horror films, the hero will often try to defeat the villain and will often be killed. ‘The Hero’ tends to show little emotion throughout the film and will stay strong and supportive towards the other characters that cannot cope as well. In more recent horror films, the hero tends to be a female, making the film less conventional and therefor more unpredictable.

Hysterical Character

Usually female. This character usually witnesses a friend’s death and will then turn hysterical and refuse to move from the building/place they are in. Usually this results in the character staying behind and being murdered. This character has an impact on the audience as her hysterical tendencies reflect onto the audience and builds more suspense.

Evil Character

Can take a variety of forms; serial killer, demonic possession, ghost, monster, vampire, werewolf, zombie etc. If they are human, they will often wear masks to disguise the way they look and emotions they convey therefor the audience are not able to connect to them. Wearing a mask also plays on ‘fear of the unknown’.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Shot List

Shot List









Close Up Shot


Patricia puts on cardigan



Camera and Tripod



Extreme Close Up Shot


Patricia applies lipstick



Camera and Tripod



Extreme Close Up Shot


Penelope applies lipstick



Camera and Tripod



Close Up Shot


Penelope ties shoes



Camera and Tripod



Close up Shot


Phoebe ties shoes



Camera and Tripod



Medium Shot


Phoebe ties up hair



Camera and Tripod



Close Up Shot

Torture Chamber

A torture contraption is swung



Camera and Tripod

Sharp blade



Medium Two Shot

Party (living room)

Argument starts between two characters




Camera and Tripod




Over the Shoulder/ Medium Two Shot

Party (living room)

Argument continues and new character gets involved




Camera and Tripod




Over the Shoulder/ Medium Shot

Party (living room)

Argument continues and Penelope feels intimidated




Camera and Tripod




Close Up Shot

Party (living room)

Argument escalates and Penelope throws her drink



Camera and Tripod




Medium Two Shot

Party (living room)

The other two characters react to the drink



Camera and Tripod




Medium Long Shot

Party (living room)

The mother of whose party it is throws Penelope out for throwing the drink


Camera and Tripod




Medium-Long Shot

Party (living room)

The girls are shocked by the sudden interruption




Camera and Tripod




Medium-Long Shot


Penelope storms out, slamming the door


Camera and Tripod



Long Shot


Penelope storms away from the house


Camera and Tripod



Extreme Long Shot


Penelope walks home not paying attention


Camera and Tripod



Close Up  Shot


Penelope walks off the curb


Camera and Tripod



Close-Up to Extreme Close Up Zoom


The car speeds towards Penelope


Camera and Tripod




Long Shot


Phoebe and Patricia are asking the nurse about Penelope’s condition





Camera and Tripod

Hospital equipment (eg. Mask and wires)



Extreme-Close Up Shot


Penelope starts to go into the torture chamber inside her head


Camera and Tripod

(eg. Mask and wires)



Close Up Shot

Torture Chamber

The villain is deciding on his weapon of choice


Camera and Tripod




Medium-Close Up  Shot


Penelope goes deeper into her nightmare


Camera and Tripod

(eg. Mask and wires)



Extreme Close Up  Shot

Torture Chamber

The villain grabs Penelope


Camera and Tripod



Medium Shot


Phoebe notices Penelope moving and panics


Camera and Tripod



Medium Shot


Phoebe runs to get the nurse


Camera and Tripod



Extreme Close Up  Shot


Patricia is a alarmed when she sees a red hand print on Penelope’s arm and wonders where it has come from



Camera and Tripod



Medium Shot

Torture Chamber

Penelope struggles against her restraints


Camera and Tripod



Extreme Close Up

Torture Chamber

The villain prepares to torture Penelope by putting on gloves


Camera and Tripod




Medium Shot

Torture Chamber

Penelope screams at the villain in fear


Camera and Tripod



Close Up  Shot

Torture Chamber

The villain appears from behind a black curtain, making his way towards Penelope



Camera and Tripod

Black curtain (sheet of material)