Tuesday 26 November 2013

2 Minute Opening Plan


Firstly, there is a scene of the girl walking home from the party, still annoyed and distracted from the argument. A screech is heard and the audience sees her reaction before the screen goes black.

The action flashes back to the start of the argument. The tension gradually builds up between the group of girls until someone reaches the end of their tether and screams at her as she walks out of the party.

The sound of their argument is asynchronous as the girls scream in the last scene is replaced by the screech and crash of the car as it transitions into the next scene. All sound stops and the screen goes to black.

A siren can be heard as all the friends crowd around her body on the floor in a point of view shot, shouting her name. The shot cuts out and back in as if she is blinking until it totally cuts out as if she is unconscious, but the shouting of her name continuos .

The girl wakes up strapped to a chair in a dark room. She tries to pull against the restraints as she can still hear people shouting her name. The volume increases as footsteps begin to be heard. The girls thinks it is her friends coming to find her but instead a creepy looking man comes in the door holding a needle to torture her with.

As he goes to inject the shot cuts to her in the hospital, as it matches on action of the needle as a nurse just pulls away from taking some blood. As the shot pans out, all her friends are crowded around their friend who is still unconscious.

The doctor walks through the door and he is the same man as in her dream and asks her friends to leave whilst he does some checks. He draws the blind so they cannot see in and the darkness matches on action to the next scene.

The girl begins to scream due to what he injected into her and the mans facial expression is shown as the action matches back to the hospital where her body begins to shake and machines beep causing all her friends to panic.

Monday 25 November 2013

Research - Inception

Although Inception is not a horror movie, it is helpful to my research as, in order to show that characters are in a dream rather than real life, the setting and camera angles are distorted.

In this example, a canted angle is used.

In this example, a long shot is used to show the distorting of the setting.

Final Storyline

Storyline 2 – (Psychological Thriller/Horror)

Teenage girl is hit by a car on the way back from a party where she has just had an argument with a group of friends and due the impact and drugs, she is sent into a coma where she dreams and hallucinates about the man who run her over and he is trying to torture her. In each dream she is helped escape by a friend she has argued with, making up with them in the process.

A teenage girl is at a party, arguing with her friends. She storms out in rage and starts to make her way home, when she is hit by a car. An ambulance arrives and the last thing she sees before blacking out is the friends from the party she was upset with.

The girl experiences dreams whilst unconscious where she is tormented by the man who run her over. In order to get away from him she must work with her friends to escape. In each dream she is in a different place that is significant to the relationship between the two characters where she manages to settle the differences between them.

The teenager wakes from her coma in a hospital to find all her friends sat by the side of her bed. She begins to tell them of the dreams she experienced and how they were all in it. In the end, they makeup.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Storyline 2

Storyline 2 – (Psychological Horror/Thriller)

Teenage girl is hit by a car on the way back from a party where she has just had an argument with a group of friends and due the impact and drugs, she is sent into a coma where she dreams and hallucinates about the same man who run her over and he is trying to torture her. In each dream she is helped escape by a friend she has argued with, making up with them in the process.

A teenage girl is at a party, arguing with her friends. She storms out in rage and starts to make her way home, when she is hit by a car. An ambulance arrives and the last thing she sees before blacking out is the friends from the party she was upset with.

The girl experiences dreams whilst unconscious where she is tormented by the man who run her over. In order to get away from him she must work with her friends to escape. In each dream she is in a different place that is significant to the relationship between the two characters where she manages to settle the differences between them.

The teenager wakes from her coma in a hospital to find all her friends sat by the side of her bed. She begins to tell them of the dreams she experienced and how they were all in it. In the end, they makeup.

Storyline 1

Storyline 1 – ‘Rebellion’ (action/adventure)

Influenced by ‘Ice Princess’

3 teenagers, each pressured into being good at something by an adult, but they don’t enjoy it. They all agree to rebel and say no. Film follows them as they find what to do with their new freedom and discover themselves. In the end they miss having a routine to their lives and find a way to balance their lives, friendships and what their parents want them to do.

Each teen is shown being pressured by an adult and the audience sees they are struggling to cope, as they hate what they are doing.

Teen A is a swimmer being pressured their coach

Teen B is a runner being pressured by their parent

Teen C is a student being pressured by a teacher

Are all together in one of their rooms talking about how much they hate what is expected of them and they just want to live a normal teenage life. One suggests they rebel and say no and with eachother’s help they believe they believe they can change their lives.

They begin to rebel and not turn up to training and meeting deadlines. Instead they start to attend parties and experiment with new styles, spending more time together and encouraging eachother to do new rebellious things.

The teenagers realise that they miss what they did and are not too late to change back to their old lives, finding a balance between achieving their goals and living a normal teenage life.