Monday 25 November 2013

Final Storyline

Storyline 2 – (Psychological Thriller/Horror)

Teenage girl is hit by a car on the way back from a party where she has just had an argument with a group of friends and due the impact and drugs, she is sent into a coma where she dreams and hallucinates about the man who run her over and he is trying to torture her. In each dream she is helped escape by a friend she has argued with, making up with them in the process.

A teenage girl is at a party, arguing with her friends. She storms out in rage and starts to make her way home, when she is hit by a car. An ambulance arrives and the last thing she sees before blacking out is the friends from the party she was upset with.

The girl experiences dreams whilst unconscious where she is tormented by the man who run her over. In order to get away from him she must work with her friends to escape. In each dream she is in a different place that is significant to the relationship between the two characters where she manages to settle the differences between them.

The teenager wakes from her coma in a hospital to find all her friends sat by the side of her bed. She begins to tell them of the dreams she experienced and how they were all in it. In the end, they makeup.

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