Thursday 23 January 2014

Evil Dead title sequence research

In the 'Evil Dead' title sequence, the opening shot is of the words Evil Dead written in big; bald; red writing, with the writing being red it suggests blood and danger. Also there are what look like vines/tree branches, which suggest that the dead are possibly sprouting out of the ground. Also the words Evil and Dead again suggest that the dead are some how coming alive again and they are not going to be very pleasant to come across.

Here the next shot of the sequence is of red blood dripping down some stairs, suggesting to the audience that someone has been possibly bleeding to death as it is a rather large amount of blood. This tells the audience straight away that the film is going to be a horror/thriller, and it possibly going to have a lot of deaths in it.

Here there is a shot of some sharp objects - possibly nails - that are covered in blood and also surrounded by it, this suggests that the film is going to be violent and very gory, with some sort of brutal killing villain/s.

The rest of the title sequence carries of with the dame sort of scenes with lots of blood being poured and splattered everywhere making it quite clear the the audience that there is going to be a lot of deaths in the film.

Evil Dead (2013) — Art of the Title

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