Tuesday 28 January 2014

(Similar) Film Reviews

(Similar) Film Reviews


As insidious was a similar film to ours, I looked into what the audience thought of it in order to pick up techniques and tips to improve our film.

"In fact, there were several points during the film where I screamed like a 13-year old girl at a Justin Beiber concert."

"I was also expecting to see some blood and guts, especially coming from the guys who made Saw, but there wasn't a drop."

"And the movie constantly feeds that tension, making even the characters' mundane family life somehow seem utterly terrifying. I was actually exhausted leaving the theatre from all of the uncomfortable squirming I was unable to control."

"Overall, the movie was great. It was crazy scary, thoroughly entertaining, and even surprisingly funny at times. Having said that, it will be quite some time before I watch another horror movie; I have no desire to be turned into a frazzled bundle of nerves again anytime soon."

This reviewer found Insidious very scary and tense because it was jumpy, however, they expected more gore because it had the same creators at the Saw films that they had already seen.
Therefore, in our film we could try and include some kind of gory, blood scene.

On the other hand, this reviewer of the film hated it.

"This can't be serious. 'Heavy face paint' is meant to scare me? I've seen better at Halloween!!! And as for the ghosts...well, they made me cry...with laughter!!! I can't believe I wasted my time and money. The thing that annoys me the most is that it could have been a slightly different, more modern version of Poltergeist. At least that would have made it acceptable. But no, another huge waste of time. I would not suggest it for any TRUE horror film fans."

They thought the effects were bad, like the use of face paint and would not recommend it to anyone.
As a result, we need to make sure our effects look as genuine as possible.

Nightmare on Elm Street

"But now, I can see that the film has got something unique, which makes the film different from other horror movies. I think it`s down to the basic idea of this film - dreams and everything that can happen in our dreams sometimes become true. The authors of this film did not have to be bound with the need to stay realistic and that opens a free way to their wildest imaginations. Charles Bernstein`s music in this movie has become classic and we can hear the basic melodic motive in some of the sequels."

This reviewer really liked the idea of the dreams, as it gave the creators of the film no limits as to what would be classed as too unrealistic. They also liked the theme song to it.
As a result, we could have a repeated sound or song in our film as well, that would become memorable.

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