Thursday 23 January 2014

Vertigo Title sequence research.

In the film 'Vertigo's' title sequence it shows a lot of photographs of a persons eyes which are associated with generic conventions of horror. Here the eyes look distressed, also the fact that you cant see the rest of her face adds tense as the audience will then be wondering why her face isn't being shown.

The shots of the eyes then acquires a red filter, which suggests blood/danger. This will make the audience feel uneasy and curious as to why the eye is red. This could also suggest that this woman could be the one who is in danger or is the one who is dangerous.

Vertigo (1958) — Art of the Title

Here the image shows a mouth of an unknown woman, the colour of her lips are a dark red colour suggesting connotations of danger and that something is wrong as it is not a normal lip colour. It also looks like there is a filter of the shot as the lighting it very dull, This looks different to what the audience would normally see the lighting to be, which could suggest that there's something wrong about the film.

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