Friday 24 January 2014

Similar films - analysis of first 15 mins 'Saw 5'

Similar films - analysis of first 15 mins

These screenshots have been taken from the introduction of the film ‘Saw 5’:   

Here is an establishing shot of the setting of the film, here the camera is slowly moving closer to the door, the editing is really slow paced, suggesting not much action is going on but also makes it really tense. The lighting here is very dark and only really the door is highlighted by light, it also looks very blue and cold, the weather is also visible -which it is stormy- these generic conventions are normally associated with horror films.The music at this point is quite slow and quiet which again builds up the tension.

These medium shots here show the victim, who is known as Seth Baxter, He has been put into this room as punishment/to be taught a lesson for murdering someone chained chained to a table, the rooms is very dark , and the light highlights the character  therefore, that is what the audience will focus on, this also gives a sense of fear to the audience as they don’t know what else is in this room, or even where this room actually is. The editing pace speeds up here, as it shows the bad situation that this man has found himself in, the audio sounds at this point in the scene is the music has sped up a little, but the more noticeable noise is the noises of distress/ screams that the victim is making.  

Close up of victims expression.

Here is a long shot of Baxter in the room. The room is still really dark apart from the one beam of light that is being directed at the victim on the table,This shot shows more about where he in the room and the setup around him. The editing pace at this point has slowed down a bit again, but still seem like it is at a fast pace as the character is in a lot of distress. The audio starts to sound like there's a storm and the music is quieter for a while.

This is the first appearance of the villain in the film. He names himself ‘Jigsaw’. The mask he is wearing looks very disturbing as the eyes are big and red with big black rings around them, which is abnormal to what eyes normally look like, also the other features of the face look fairly larger than normal which make it look really strange, The colour of the mask is white which is normally associated with the colour of what dead people look like, also there is blood dripping for the mouth area which makes it look creepier and dangerous.

The lighting in this shot  is mainly just focused on the TV so that the audience can get a good look at the villain. The audio at the point is ‘Jigsaw’ speaking on a recorded video telling the victim what he has to do to get out of the trap.

This shot shows an over the shoulder shot of ‘Jigsaw’ looking down on the victim even though he is on the TV. This shows that Jigsaw is more powerful and has more dominance over the victim. The lighting here is still quite dark but still enough light to see Jigsaw and Baxter. The sound here is still very sinister and spooky.

These shots show the traps of how Jigsaw plans on torturing the victim with. In the picture there is a saw that acts like a pendulum and it gets closer to the victim as the time limit counts down. This saw looks particularly dirty and rusty, and looks like it has been used before, which makes this shot really frightening. The lighting here is just enough to be able to see the saw.

This shot shows a close up of another part of the trap, which when the victim puts their hand in it it starts to tighten and crush their hand. Although at first glance it isn’t that clear as to what it is as it is not something that people are likely to have seen before, also the lighting on it isn’t that bright, which adds to the mysteriousness of it. Jigsaw states that if he crushes his hands in the device to pendulum will stop and he will be able to get out of the trap.

Here in this shot it shows a close up of a clock, the clock makes the scene more tense and on edge as it is giving the victim a time limit to get out of the trap, which seems impossible, so it just makes it like a countdown to the victims death. You are able to hear a few ticks of the clock which also add to the suspense of the count down. The clock also looks dirty, suggesting that no one has been anywhere near this room in quite a while and they won’t be coming anytime soon either.

This shot shows a close up of the victims hand. He is putting it into the device that crushes his hand. The editing speeds up here to show how the victim is panicking. The lighting mainly focuses on his hand and how shaky it is.

This is a medium shot of the man after he has had his hands crushed in the device, but he has not been released from the trap, this leads to even more panic as he thought would be released yet that has not happened. The amount of blood on his hands make it look excruciatingly painful as well as his screaming and the expressions on his face. This is the point where the audience realize that this man is going to die.

This is a straight on medium shot of Baxter as the pendulum saw starts to cut through his stomach, there is blood all over him. soon after his insides end up getting deposited around the room as the saw cuts deeper into his stomach. The editing is getting faster not as the panic is building up. The audio here is mostly on the man screaming and of the pendulum saw swinging from side to side.

Here is a medium close up of Baxter noticing a shadow to the left of him through a really dirty brown window. The lighting here just focuses on the outline of the mysterious shadow. The camera goes back and forth from the victim and to the shadow and zooms into the shadow a little more each time.

The camera then zooms in even further to a close up. It is revealed that there is an eye peering through a hole in the window, which is believed to belong to Jigsaw. This creates a disturbing feeling as he has been watching the whole time, and possibly makes the audience feel even more norshous. The lighting of the shot is darker so that the eyes is more noticeable and makes it look more creepy how you don’t see the rest of this mans face.

This is one of the final shots of the scene where is show what has happened and that he has eventually died not knowing why this has happened to him or who has done it, also he and the audience are still not sure as to why he wasn't released from the trap after he did what he thought he was supposed to do. The lighting Is again still focused on him and drops out of the scene and shows the title of the film.

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